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The Key Ingredients for Business Success (Part 1)
Most people at some stage of their lives, for one reason or another, contemplate starting their own business. While there’s no
magic potion or secret formula that guarantees business success, highly successful businesses have some common characteristics that we
will explore across a series of articles...
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Rent Relief for Victorian & NSW Commercial Tenants
The Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme, introduced into Parliament on the 3rd August, will alleviate financial hardship faced
by tenants and landlords as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and will commence on the day it receives Royal Assent...
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ATO’s Data-Matching Programme
Continues to Focus on Lifestyle Asset Purchases
The Tax Office has now extended its lifestyle assets data-matching program for the 2020/21 financial year through to 2022/23 and
expect to identify around 300,000 individuals each year...
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Are COVID-19 Grants & Subsidies Taxable?
The State and Federal Governments have provided business owners with a range of grants and subsidies through the pandemic including
the Cashflow Boost, COVID-19 Disaster Payments and JobKeeper. While you might think all government support is tax free, this is not the
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In case you missed it, don't forget to check our Support
for Victorian Businesses
article which has been updated with recent changes...